Wednesday, August 25, 2010

THE OCTOPUS! How Clever Are They?...

Some suggest that when used in connection with animals, the word “intelligence” involves the ability to learn from experience and solve problems. In that regard, consider this comment by Cousteau: “The octopus’ timidity is a reasoned reaction, one that is based primarily on prudence and caution. . . . If a diver is able to demonstrate that he means no harm, the octopus quickly loses its timidity—more quickly than any ‘wild’ animal.”

Octopuses have the most highly developed brain and eyes among invertebrates. Their eyes, like ours, can be finely focused and can adapt to changes in light. The optic lobe interprets information received from the eyes and this, along with an acute sense of touch, enables an octopus to make surprisingly clever decisions.
Several scientists report seeing an octopus learn to remove a stopper from a bottle in order to reach a crustacean inside. Others have reported that an octopus can figure out how to unscrew the lid on a jar in order to get at the food within. In Canada’s Vancouver Aquarium, an octopus disappeared nightly up a drainpipe to eat the fish in the neighboring tank.
Regarding the cleverness of the octopus, the book Exploring the Secrets of Nature concludes: “We are inclined to credit primates with the highest levels of intelligence, but there is proof that octopuses, too, are among the most intelligent of animals.”
The cleverness of octopus behavior may remind us of creatures that the Bible describes as “instinctively wise.” They truly are a marvel of creation. Among scientists and divers alike, the “horror” of Victor Hugo’s imagination no longer taints the octopus. Those who study this creature are left with profound awe for this clever chameleon of the sea.
Only the blue-ringed octopus, native to Australia, is considered lethal to humans. Its bite can cause respiratory failure. What do you think about the octopus? Wast design?...

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