Monday, July 20, 2009

Serengeti, Africa's Garden of Eden!..

The Seengeti is a wild land. Located in the countries of Tanzania and Kenya, it is an immense, rolling grassland encompassing an area of some 30,000 square kilometers. Here the earth is covered wiith a layer of rich volcanic soil, creating ideal conditions for the lush grasses that carpet the land. There are areas of acacia woodland and thorn tree savanna that supply foliage for browsing families of elephants.Herds of giraffes graduallymove across the savanna in long, slow strides.
In some areas granite outcrops,worn smooth by wind and rain, rise up from the plains and provide ideal lookouts for lions and leopards. Swiftflowing rivers that wind their way through the land are teeming with hippos and crocodiles. aout on the open plains herds of wildbeasts,hartebeast, topis, and many other types of antelopes can be seen grazing. Thirsty zebras gather at water holes, circling them like necklace of white-and-black beads. Gazelles and impalas bound effortlessly across the plains in great arching leaps. Large herd of cape buffalo, with their massive horns and muscular bodies, graze slowly, polling up tufts of grass with their wide muzzles.
Pride of lions are abundant in the Serengeti.During the heat of the day, they laze in the shade of trees and bushes, waiting for the cool of evening to hunt. Spotted leopards are nearly invisible where the lie, draped elegantly over the upper boughs o f trees, camouflaged by the dappled light under the foliage. The cheetah finds the open grassland ideal footing for its lightning-quick sprints. Its lean body blurs as it races across the plains in pursuit of prey.
Indeed, the Serengeti ecosystem provides a paradise of animal life that is a marve to behold. What do you think? Was it designed?

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