Monday, July 13, 2009

Sandy Fascination...

Sand in your eyes causes pain, but how soothing it is under your toes! Vast amounts of it are suspended in seawater, but it also abounds in bone-dry deserts. Hordes of creatures flee its encroachment, but for others, it is home. it is oftten considered a nuisance, but without it, modern living would be nearly impossible.
Sand is composed of particles of minerals, rocks, or soil, with quartz being the most common constituent.It comes in a variety of colors. in different lands, you can find sand that are pitch-black, snow--white, purple, gray, red, orange, yellow, and many hues in between.No doubt, the array of color and texture in sand fascinates o some people to the point that they have taken up collecting sand. Many find themselves trading sand, traveling to find it,and stooping to gather samples of it in small glass bottles, new additions to their collections. They call themselves arenophiles, meaning "lovers of sand".
Granted,sand can be irritating when it collects in your shoes as you stroll near the shore. Do not get annoyed though. The fact is, we depend on those humble grains of sands!

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